The ultimate answer for Nikon VS Canon

The question that troubled me the most when I was a child was: Who do you love the most, dad or mom? To be frank, I am forever an opportunist. So sometimes I replied Mom, and sometimes I said Dad. They're both equal to me, and I love them equally, however the answer changed with time and situation.

Likewise, these days whenever people ask me to choose between Nikon and Canon, I reflect the same question I tackled as a child. They are both good, no question about that. However, my preference might change with situation.

Nikon VS Canon is one of the most common questions asked by wanna-be photographers or someone looking to buy a DSLR. Even experienced photographers look for additional features and benefits they may be able to enjoy upon switching from one brand to other.
My verdict: Don't go after the Brand
Both of them are marvellous, and they are going to have almost similar features and components. So, don't be brand conscious. Go to the market to touch and feel the difference between different models from each brands. Look for something that you think meets your needs and expectations.
Don't compare a high end camera from one brand with an entry level camera from the other. That is the most stupidest reasoning some people make to support their brand of choice to prove that it is better than the other. Trust me, there is no winner.