Choosing the best name for your blog and domain

A good blog name should be able to tell readers about the scope of the blog. The name of the blog is equally responsible as its contents to attract genuine readers. So, how to name your blog?

Single topic blog: If you are blogging about one specific topic, you probably want to include the topic in your blog name. This is a good decision because it will allow your readers to identify the scope of your blog contents. However, don't get lost looking for the exact word to fit in your blog's name. If your blog is about cars, the blog name doesn't have to have car in it. It could also be motor, vehicle or automobile. So also look for synonyms of your topic and choose the most suitable one.

Multiple topic blog: You'll have to be more creative while naming blog that covers wide range of topics. In such cases, think of a name that is vague and subjective. Sometimes names that make no sense can be more relevant.

Personal Blog: If your blog is personal and have personal contents, then you might want to use your name. Using your name is fine when the blog is all about you. However, use some adjective or verb with your name. If it is only the name of a person, it looks like a header of a CV than a blog.

Domain Name
Having an appropriate domain name for your blog is also very important. A .com domain extension is the most preferred extension and is also SEO friendly. Most bloggers choose the domain name for their blog to match with the name of their blog. However, you can choose a different domain name like me. Sometimes the domain name of your choice is already taken. So, be a little more flexible when choosing a domain name.